Tuesday 23 November 2010

That virtual bundle of joy.

I'm currently waiting for a friend to come round and for me to give approval on his new girlfriend (lol) so thought I would browse marketplace while I wait. See if there was any nice freebies or cheap stuff I could pick up.

First of  all I KNOW things like these exist in SL. I've already had a convo with Tel about how much prim babies weird me out. I know about xcite virginity and pregnancy huds with the f-ing annoying talking bellies. I once dated a lass who made me wear a virtual rubber before she went on the virtual pill.  BUT THIS?!?

That's right ladies! Once your man has laid his pixel seed in you, you too can find out the joy of becoming a mother by RP peeing on your own virtual pregnancy test. This is only 5 lindens as well. Even though I haven't done pixel bumping in awhile and I lack a womb I'm still tempted to try this out. Will give it a try later and post up the results. I thought this was just a one off..THEN I actually searched for it.


What the HELL?! At least 2 pages of this stuff?! I've bought some rubbish in my time but...it even has a medieval pregnancy kit. WHY!? Surely you know you're pregnant when you go out and buy the freakin' PRIM BABY! I guess it's all for RP purposes. It only gets worse.


Yep...virtual periods too. I was told about this but didn't want to believe it was true. Oh lordie.

That's enough weirding me out for one night. I'm sure there's much worse out there.

1 comment:

  1. Ok.... the only thing I can say about all this is..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Actually, some people take RP and SL a BIT too seriously, perhaps? ROFL!
