Friday 11 March 2011


Been awhile since I've updated but really not much to talk about over the last few days. After finishing the garden I've been sort of forcing myself not to start any new projects so I can concentrate on my school work. now I have some how been able to weasel my Second Life into my school work which I think is going to be pretty fun. I'll explain this in more detail once I've got more to show.

Was shocking to hear about the earthquake in Japan this morning and the aftermath that is still causing much destruction. Good that Japan are well prepared for this kind of thing and is always inspiring to see how calm and quick responsive they are. Makes me embarrassed over the tiny amount of snow we had over Christmas and how our whole freaking country came to a stand still! Thoughts go out to those affect by the disaster and hoping for a safe return to a few friends who are currently out there.

I finally got another product onto *Dead Chuffed*. Back on Manny I tried my hand at static poses for photography and actually made a set I got prepared for selling. It never happened but I moved them onto Derren and now are finally up for sale!

I need to start adding some not so girly products. But I think women are more likely to scroll through MP and look for deals unlike most men. I say "most" men because I'm a sucker for searching for deals on MP and I know Tel is prone to it too.

Cass asked me to take a picture of me and her for a profile. I don't class myself a photographer because I don't have the creative talent for lighting and I have basic photoshop skills. But it's still a fun thing to work with. I'd love to get some more edited pictures of all my friends and more of me and Tel. 

However time inworld has been pretty limited for both of us. Always lots happening in RL and we grab any chances we can get. The house and sim is pretty much finished besides from a little more furniture upstairs. I was able to make a couple more things including these plants on the top floor landing.

We've set a date for the wedding. Keep your diaries open for Thursday 26th of May. Not sure what time but that will be decided closer the time and invites will be sent out. The reason for such a far away dates is because I don't want the stress of my university work ruining the day. Plus both Tel and I will be quite busy at the beginning of May for different reasons or events. We both want a good amount of time to plan and arrange everything to make sure it's a wonderful day. I've never been married in SL or RL so this is all a first for me. Besides from the lack of time together I have no worries for Tel and I. I'm not use to being this comfortable in a relationship lol. Feels good :)

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