Tuesday 9 November 2010

Time in the Jungle

It had only been a couple of hours sleep but Derren was already wide awake. His head was swimming with thoughts of his decision. To stay and become a slave or to fend for himself in the jungle. He looked round at his friend River as he slept soundly. It was obvious he had made up his mind and that was to stay. The jungle had scared him too much. Derren's eyes scanned the room at the pictures, dimly lit by the fading fire. Portraits of what could be his future. Men binded and whipped, cuffed and collared. His skin crawled. Though his captor seemed generally nice while they drank that night, who knew if his attitude would change as soon as he submitted. No. He couldn't live like that. He wouldn't live like that.

As far as he knew he was still free to leave. He grabbed whatever silks he could find in the pile of laundry and tied it round his waist. The cloth smelled of dried sweat but it was better then cold and naked. He wrapped another round his shoulders and prepared to leave. He looked back at River, still sleeping softly, and wondered if he should make one last plea to join him. He knew in his heart that it would be hopeless. He kissed him softly on his golden hair, trying not to wake him, and left for the door.

The fort was still and quiet. Steeping outside the gates he looked out at the sea as the sun was just rising. He stood there for a moment, wondering if anyone else on the ship had survived. And if they had did they reach the island. Derren held no hope and sighed deeply. He looked up and watched the fading 3 moons, a sign of a new day. Giving the fort one last look he tighten the silk around his shoulders and headed into the jungle.

It seemed like miles when Derren finally stopped to rest. The sun was full in the sky and the heat was becoming unbearable. He found some shade and slipped off  the silks around his shoulders. He was tired and hungry but at least he was free. That was the important thing, right? He started to question his decision of leaving the fort and leaving River behind. He wondered if River had been collared yet and was starting his new life as a slave. He leaned back against the tree that was shading him as thoughts ran through his head. Trying his best to keep his wits about him, his exhaustion and the warm breeze soon get the better of him. His eyes refuse to stay open and he falls into a deep sleep.

The sun makes it's way across the sky and the winds begin to cool. Derren shivers, feeling tiny scratches over his body until he is woken suddenly with a sharp bite on his finger.
"Argh! What then...?" He shouts, flinching his hand back to his face. Hanging off his finger, teeth buried deep into his skin was what looked like a rat. Derren screams a number of strong profanities and violently shakes his hand in attempt to get the little beast to release his finger. The creature finally lets go and is swung into the bushes. Derren looks at his bleeding hand and examines the deep bite. He clasps it tightly in the silks he had stolen and tries to find water to cleanse the wound. Luckily he had stopped only a few feet away from a lagoon and dipped his hand into the cooling waters. Watching then blood swim into the water, he hisses painfully as he tries his best to rub the tender skin along his finger.
"Great start to a first day" he jokes to himself, trying in vain to keep his spirits high. He takes his still bleeding finger out of the water and wraps it tightly with a ripped piece of silk. He sits back on the bank and watches as his blood seeps quickly through the rag. Frustrated, he rips the now bloody rag off his finger and tries to make a thicker bandage. Pulling as tight as he can he stops the flow and breathes a sigh of relief.
"See, you can do this whole survival thing." He encourages himself, lifting to his feet. Dusting off his thighs he hears rustling coming from the bushes behind him. He listens carefully, noticing that the snorts and grumbles heading towards him were not human. Suddenly vicious reptilian creatures pounce from the bushes, snarling and heading straight for him. He takes no chances and begins to run as quick as he can. The 6 legged creatures charge after him, chasing him through the dense jungle overgrowth. His feet slipping on the grass and leaves as he stumbles his way through the as quick as he can. The 6 legged creatures charge after him, chasing him through the dense jungle overgrowth. His feet slipping on the grass and leaves as he tries his best to escape them. Forcing himself not to look back but hearing their snaps and snarls as they quickly catch up on him. This was it. This was the end. He should of stayed at the fort, swallowed his pride and become a slave. Now he was going to be eaten alive. He catches his foot on some low growing vine and trips, sending him flying through the air. Expecting to hit the hard earth he finds himself falling down into a deep pit, landing face first into the thick, wet mud. He lies there for a moment, waiting for his immanent death only to hear the growls and snarls much further away then they were before. He slowly looks up, the beasts now circling his muddy prison The sides too steep for them to venture down to attack him. He pulls himself up onto his knees and examines his dirt covered body. He tries his best to wipe away the mud but only seems to make it worse. He leans back against the wall of the pit and watches the creatures circle from the ground above him. The faith and determination he had at the begining of the day was now gone. Replaced with fear, hunger and loneliness. With no way out until the creatures left, he sat with his face in his hands and quietly wept.

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