Wednesday 29 December 2010

Enjoying the new Island and trying something new...

I'm really enjoying my new home and have been spending a lot of time on the new homestead. My mind is still set on making things to sell on SL and now with the new home and new family I want to keep for as long as possible I want to be making some money to help support. So while struggling with university work I had a think about what I liked in SL. The one thing that has always interested me since the new tattoo layer came along with viewer 2, making it possible to have face tattoos that aren't a dodgy prim that sometimes disappears into your face. I was so excited to get free guyliner from A:S:S then having to fork out L$1000 for another skin from Den-Duo. Don't get me wrong, I love Den Duo skins but I wasn't prepared to pay up that much for something I wouldn't wear that often. Now people can have awesome make up and designs without having to change their skins. This got me thinking on a little predicament I had when choosing my skin when I first created Derren. Facial hair. At the beginning I wanted facial hair but no skins I tried suited my shape. Then when I finally decided on a Den-Dou skin none of the facial hair on the skin I chose worked. They just looked odd. I do have a prim soul patch I wear from time to time but it's not insanly detailed.
So I decided to have a go at making facial hair as tattoo layer. It took me a couple of attempts to work out how big it should be on the template to work but for a first attempt it wasn't too bad.

If I can get the detail right I think it could sell well seeing as there isn't anything like this out there yet. After testing it on Garrett's Belleza skin it looked okish but needed a lot of work. Top skin brands like Belleza, Abyss, Redgraves etc are going to be most popular so will have to fit with them to look good. Plus also going to have some sort of generic male face shape so things like soul patchs and goatees fit properly. The plan is to work on goatees, sideburns, stubble etc. I'm hoping my skills in photoshop are enough.

Bed time for me now. Leave off like a usually do with a couple of vids. Firsts a funny and seems to be exactly how I play "I Spy".

Second dedicated to the lover cos I haven't for awhile and I love him so much for making such a wonderful home for us..and generally being awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Love that song! I had not heard of her before.... very sweet. Kinda like you. :P
