Saturday 30 April 2011

Haters gonna hate

I *MIGHT* of got quite drunk last night and I *MIGHT* of had a bit of hangover today. Either way I have spent a lot of my time doing naff all and promised myself a full day of work tomorrow. I did do a little today but it turned out so crap that I'm going to have to redo it anyway. Roll on panic stricken deadline. I'll be so happy when this is all over with.

Annnywaay...I've started getting back into The Sims 3 again. Love it or hate it, everyone who's played it knows it is strangely addictive. I made myself but somehow more manly and now I'm fat cos I've eaten to many pancakes. I married a small asian guy on my travels to China and now live with him and his brother. I take Shen (the older brother) out to mingle with the celebs while I stay home with the husband and get wicked cool at piano. Shen has recently been working his magic on one of the top celebs in the city and was able to get a bit of sexy time in the elevator....and then they started doing this!

It's called "Stride with Pride" but I'm gonna call it "Haters gonna hate!"

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