With our brief hours on SL together, Tel and I have been doing up the sim ready for a more autumn feel. The days are getting colder, nights shorter and RL is really not going my way at the moment in many areas. The only thing I can do is enjoy what I have in SL to help me get through the days.
Of course, Tel gets the house and the rest of the sim and I get the garden. I've forgotten how much fun it was working on setting up an area. Last time I did that was in the store but decorating a store and decorating a place to live are two different things. The store is still going well but seems most of the items are being bought on MP instead of in the store. All the money I make goes towards store rent but I'm wondering whether or not it's worth getting rid and using the money for the homestead. There's also the dilemma of I don't know if people are testing the poses in the store and then buying on MP. *Shrugs* who knows.
Anyway. More pics of the sim when it's fully finished. Though I do like messing around with shadows around the time.
In other news! A.I.F pets who made the lil kittehs and the ebil pup that runs around our garden now do huskys! They look so cute! D:
I've also applied for this http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Casting-Call-Apply-to-Star-in-a-New-Second-Life-Video/ba-p/1090165 Don't know how likely I would get chosen. I'm not some fancy pants store/dj/business man/machinima master type fellow and I doubt they wanna spend loads of money flying me across the sea to be a part of it. But you never know if you don't enter.
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