Sunday 27 March 2011


As of pretty much tomorrow I will be taking a hiatus from SL. Nothing to do with SL but more to do with my RL. It has taken a rather massive blow this weekend and I'm currently trying to get my thoughts and values sorted out over it.

Tel and I are still awesome as always and he continues to be as an amazing friend in RL as he is an amazing bf in SL.I thank him muchly for the patients and support he has given me over this difficult period. I have still to send a note to my boss at CI and PJ has been awesome as well about me not being able to DJ for the next few weeks.

My mind is all over the place at the moment and I really need the final piece of strength and will power I have to finish my work ready for graduation. It's so easy to disappear into a fantasy world and I don't want that happening to me. This blog as well will take a hiatus as I won't have any SL stuff to update on.

If I do log on it will be to grab notices and check ims. If you do need to get in contact with me just send me an im or notecard and I will get back to you when I can.

Take care everyone and I will see you on the other side.

D x

1 comment:

  1. Love you, babydoll, and will of course miss our daily contact in SL, but we'll keep in touch. As I told you, I'm here, (and "there") and will be waiting. *hugs and kisses*
